
Live well. Eat well.

Sausage and Mushroom Omelette

20 mins | Serves 1

  • 1 Peppercorn Extra Lean Beef Sausage
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbsp water
  • ½ cup mushrooms
  • ½ tomato, finely diced
  • 1 tbsp basil, chopped

1 – Whisk together egg, egg white, water, salt and pepper.

2 – Heat oil in a non-stick pan on medium heat and cook sausage for 8-10 minutes.

3 – Add mushrooms and cook for another 3 minutes until lightly browned.

4 – Add tomatoes and cook for a further 1 minute.

5 – Add egg mixture and cook through.

6 – Sprinkle basil over cooked egg and turn out onto a plate.


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